As we embark into a new year, it’s evident that each new year brings forth a fresh array of trends, shaping various industries in profound ways. Reflecting on the past, we’ve witnessed the transformative impact of innovations for Construction like 3-D printing and the integration of remote technologies such as drones. However, as we venture further into the depths of 2024, a distinct set of emerging trends are beginning to take center stage.

One notable shift is the heightened emphasis on sustainability and eco-conscious designs, marking a significant departure from practices of years gone by. Sustainable construction practices, characterized by the utilization of renewable and recyclable materials, are swiftly becoming more normalized. The primary aim of these kind of approaches is to mitigate the negative environmental effects typically associated with construction activities. Take, for instance, our BeWell project, where old concrete from the structure that stood there previously is being repurposed and reused, not only reducing environmental impact but also yielding cost savings—a testament to the many benefits of eco-friendly construction methods.

The advent of smart spaces within commercial buildings showcases a new era of connectivity and efficiency. With a focus on harnessing the capabilities of 5G technology, these smart buildings promise faster and more reliable connectivity, helping businesses to seamlessly integrate a plethora of devices. The incorporation of AI-powered systems further enhances security measures, with computers adeptly monitoring for potential threats or anomalies, thereby bolstering protection protocols and minimizing risks.

In parallel, there has been a noticeable surge in interest surrounding wellness technology—a domain that encompasses biophilic design principles and promotes holistic well-being. Biophilic design seeks to enhance occupants’ connection with nature by incorporating elements such as natural sunlight and improved air quality. Additionally, the concept of “multisensory” design recognizes the impact our senses have on our environment and productivity. Founder and CEO of Plastare, Melissa Marsh, found that through our sense of sight- beyond the visual appeal of a space, there are proven benefits to direct sunlight including benefits to our circadian rhythm and our Vitamin D levels.

These developments merely scratch the surface of a vast landscape where technology and AI are weaving a new world of possibilities. As we eagerly observe the unfolding of these innovations, we anticipate reaping the many benefits they promise to bring to the realm of construction and beyond. The future holds boundless potential as we continue to embrace and harness the transformative power of technology in shaping our built environment.










Nieminen, Robert,, Smart Buildings and Wellbeing are Driving the Future of Workplace Design, October 26, 2021.), Smart Buildings the Integration of Technology in Construction, November 5, 2023.